November 14, 2011


It is officially my birthday week! PARTY TIME.
Tim and I celebrate our birthday's this week. He will be 24 and I will be 22. Crazy!

I had the most awkwardest experience ever today. I have a "film noir" graphic design project and I have to work with a partner so I had to go to his house and take pictures. It was my first time driving by myself alone and going somewhere I had never been to before. Thankfully I didn't get lost but I was so nervous when I got there.  It was so awkward standing in his living room in a dress and holding an AK47 while we took pictures...the fact that he is a very good looking person did not help. I was probably a good few shades of red.

Besides that, I have made a killing on ebay. This week alone, I made $200! and cleaned out my closet. I still have so much to post though.

I am behind on my snail mail though. I tried catching up but I ran out of stamps and I am very poor right now.

I went to a festival they hold every year in a senior citizen community, it's like their own little cute!, and they had so much stuff! lots of old postcards and stamp collections and so much mail related stuff but I had to hold back from buying. I really wish I had a steady income.

I'll end this post with an awkward photo..(I really should have worn some heels)
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